Electronic communications and radio engineering (#172)
Educational program:
Information and communication technologies
The educational program "Information and Communication Technologies" provides fundamental theoretical and applied practical training in the general program of knowledge "Electronics and Telecommunications", specialty "Telecommunications and Radio Engineering" at three levels of higher education: bachelor, master, doctor of philosophy.
Master's program
Within the European Master's Program Distributed Systems Engineering, the Institute of Telecommunication Systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU "KPI") and the Faculty of Informatics of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) offer a single international program "Distributed Systems Engineering".

Double degree program
Unified master's program
Within the European Master’s Program Distributed Systems Engineering, the Institute of Telecommunication Systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” and the Faculty of Computer Science of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) offer a unified international program “Distributed Systems Engineering”.
Students of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” have the opportunity to study in accordance with the master’s program of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute “Information Communication Networks” in combination with the master’s program of TUD “Distributed Systems Engineering” for getting second higher education. Formation and preparation of groups start from second year of their education at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute based on the results of the first year of study.

Why us?
The Department of Information Technologies in Telecommunications trains specialists in the field of creating and supporting services provided to users in the digital global environment. Graduates acquire knowledge and gain skills that allow them to analyze and implement information and communication technologies, develop software for accessing to and exchanging information, accessing to cloud resources, perform monitoring and modeling, systems analysis, operations research, ensure information security in information-communication environment. You will know and be able to develop and maintain such systems. For more than 18 years of existence, the department has trained hundreds of young engineers of general profile, who today work in leading companies in the world and Ukraine (MicroSoft, Epam Systems, Ericsson, Life Cell, Vodafone, InCom, etc.) as IT specialists.
If you want to develop and create components of the information society, come to us!