Our logo is almost 20 years old! (almost anniversary) During this time it has become obsolete, so we are announcing a competition for a new logo for our entire institute.
What should it be? What do we want to see?
The main condition – the logo must be made in vector graphics.
Simple – it should not look complicated, because the simpler the logo, the easier it is to remember
Unique – the old logo was unique, unusual, so this one should be the same
Memorable – will make us more recognizable among other faculties
How will the winner be chosen?
After accepting applications, the Student Council will confirm receipt of your work, and then we will create a vote among all our students. After voting, the best of the options will be evaluated by the administration, and in the end the final option will be chosen.
Yes, it will be on official documents, booklets, on social networks and… even on the building
Will there be a prize for the winner?
Offcourse The winner of the competition will receive a nice gift from ITS
Full requirements can be seen here.
You can fill in the form for your work here.
Deadline for submission of works: 04.04.2021 23:59
Any questions regarding the contest can be asked here: @ITS_SR_bot
Make ITS Logo great again