- Log in to the “Electronic Campus” system, using your login and password (if you do not have a login and password – contact the group curator).
- In the left menu, select the section Introduction 2020 (master’s degree).
- Read the information carefully, then select the “Questionnaire” tab.
- Check the data that is automatically pulled up for you in the questionnaire – last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, passport data, taxpayer account number. In case of discrepancies (name or surname changed, passport changed) – make the necessary corrections and check carefully again.
- Choose the specialty in which you want to enroll in graduate school. This is not the final choice, you will finally choose it when applying for the competition. Registration for passing the EMI is carried out once for each entrant. The results of the EMI are credited for admission to any specialty (except 081 Law, where you also need to pass the EPI)
- Select the foreign language (English, French, German or Spanish) you want to compose.
- Select the locality in which you want to make the EMI.
- For entrants to the specialty 081 Law – choose a place to compile the EPI.
- Enter a valid contact phone number.
- Provide a valid email address for communication.
- If necessary, provide information on the need to create special conditions (if the medical indicators you can not make EMI / EPI and your disease belongs to the List of diseases and pathological conditions that give the right not to make an external evaluation (joint order of MES and MOH № 1027/900 dated 29.08.2016) and codes of conditions (specified in the medical report on the form 086/3-o / u) Please note that in the case of such a medical report you will take an entrance exam in a foreign language on that The presence of the disease and the medical opinion do not exempt from passing the entrance examination in a foreign language by the same procedure and according to the test notebooks provided by the UTSOYAO, but at the Igor Sikorsky KPI.
- The examination certificate can be obtained in person after the quarantine is completed by July 1 at the selection committee of your faculty / institute. If you wish to receive an examination sheet by mail (Nova Poshta or Ukrposhta), provide the necessary information (postal address in full with the index for Ukrposhta and the settlement and branch number for Nova Poshta). Sending is at the expense of the recipient.
- Scan the identity document (passport of a citizen of Ukraine – book (1-2 pages) or ID-card (both parties), in case of absence – foreign passport of a citizen of Ukraine (1-2 pages), perpetual certificate of permanent residence (all pages), save in one document in .jpeg format up to 1 MB in size and upload to the appropriate field of the questionnaire.
- Scan the taxpayer’s account card, save it in a .jpeg document up to 1 MB in size and upload it to the appropriate field of the questionnaire.
- Scan the photo for documents (white / light background), save it in a .jpeg document up to 1 MB in size and upload it to the appropriate field of the questionnaire.
- Carefully check the entered data and downloaded documents.
- Click Save. Your application form will be sent to the person responsible for registration.
- Follow the changes in the status of your questionnaire in the section Introduction 2020 (Master’s degree). If you have any problems, contact the head of the faculty / institute at the hotline.
The procedure for registration for the single professional exam for graduates of KPI. Igor Sikorsky 2020, who wish to enter the master’s program