13 – 16 November 2023 on the basis of National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» by initiative and active participation of Institute of Telecommunication Systems was held traditional 2023 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics (UkrMiCo).
The conference held plenary session and 5 sections.
The first day included 10 speaches, among which “Radiophysical relativistic gravimetr” by S.A.Matviienko and S.S.Matviienko. The author developed an original radiophysical method for measuring the parameters of the gravitational field in the radio frequency range using the relativistic effect “redshift”. A stationary radiophysical relativistic gravimeter (RRG) was designed, manufactured, tested and certified, which allows you to measure the absolute value of gravitational acceleration with an accuracy of 3-5 µgal, as well as a change in gravitational potential at a height of less than 1 cm. A modification of the differential radiophysical gravimeter was also developed, the measurement scheme of which allows to exclude the Doppler frequency shift, which occurs when measuring on mobile objects, including spacecraft.

Section 1. Computer Science consisted of 10 presentations with the strongest research by Vitaliy Dushepa, Igor Baryshev “Neural network architectures for assessing the accuracy of image registration”.

Section 2. Communications consisted of 16 presentations in divided in subsections «Wireless Systems and Technologies», «Signals Transmission and Processing in Telecommunication Systems» and «Advanced technology in Telecommunication»
Section 3. Microwave Technology, Antennas and Radars contained subsections «Active and passive microwave devices», «Positioning technology and environmental sensing systems», «Development and design methods in Radio Engineering » with 25 presentations in total.
«Radiation Pattern of a Digital Antenna Array for Satellite Navigation» and “Preliminary Design of the Laboratory Stand for Remote and Subsurface Sensing” are among the best ones.

Section 4. Electron Devices and Nanotechnologies consisted of «Electronics in Astrophysics, Astronomy», «Vacuum and Discharge Technological Devices», «Microelectronics, Material Science and Thin Films» subsections with 15 total presentations. Especially interesting and strong research being “The Strong Photon-Magnon Coupling in the Modified Inverted Split-Ring Resonator” by Aleksey Girich, Sergey Nedukh, Sergey Polevoy, Arthur Vakula, Kateryna Sova, Sergey Tarapov.

Section 5. History – history of the development of information and radio technologies consisted of 14 presentations in «History of the development of information technologies» and «History of the development of radio and industrial technologies» subsections.

Conference proceedings will be published in IEEE xplore Digital Library and will be indexed by Scopus and Web of Science.